Photo of Colleen Pallamary

Colleen J. Pallamary is an author, speaker, copy editor, freelance writer, and crafter. She has published three books including Scammunition: How To Protect Yourself From Con Artists: A Guide For Baby Boomers And Beyond, an urban fantasy novel titled The Vampire Preservation Society, and a biography based on her Mother's career in show business Meet Bridgeport's Sweetheart Colleen J. Bartram. Other writings have been published in the Canadian Literary magazine Scarlet Leaf Review. Current works in progress include a book of poetry and a recipe book. When not writing she enjoys reading, painting, playing her Native American flutes, and spending time with her grandchildren.

Pallamary, Colleen

Courses Through December 2024

(Click on any course ID to see more information or to register)

CourseID Course Title
PAR172 Lucid Dreaming: Another Altered State of Mind
PUB135 Scammunition: Your Guide to Scam Prevention
WRI116 An Attitude of Gratitude Journal Writing
WRI118 Remember That Recipe?