Amber Toole photo

Amber Toole is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer with a Bachelor's of Science degree in Physical Education and Health from Georgia Southern University. She has 30 years experience in the Fitness Industry and is the owner of The Training Toole - a Fitness and Nutrition Studio in Ocala, Florida. Amber is an SCW Educator and Mentors other Fitness Professionals. She believes in teaching people the foundations of health - Daily Movement, Quality Sleep, Proper and Balanced Nutrition, Stress Reduction and Rest and Recovery. It is her life's mission to spread the truth about fitness and nutrition through education.

Toole, Amber

Courses Through December 2024

(Click on any course ID to see more information or to register)

CourseID Course Title
FIT155 Active Aging Nutrition for Health and Wellness
FIT162 Keep Your Joints Happy