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Alvin Ross has worked in many areas of the entertainment industry for over 50 years. As a Director, Alvin directed both Live Plays and Movies using only Senior Citizens and is expert in the use of professional cameras....
Amanda Marek is a graduate of the University of Florida, earning her Masters in Forest Resources and Conservation with specialization in Environmental Education. She has worked as a biological science technician and volunteer coordinator at multiple state and national parks and is now your UF/IFAS Marion County Florida-Friendly Landscaping Extension Agent....
Amber Toole is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer with a Bachelor's of Science degree in Physical Education and Health from Georgia Southern University. She has 30 years experience in the Fitness Industry and is the owner of The Training Toole - a Fitness and Nutrition Studio in Ocala, Florida. Amber is an SCW Educator and Mentors other Fitness Professionals. She...